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a. very intelligent; highly talented; exceptional 极聪明的;才华横溢的;非凡的 brilliant a. deceitful or dishonest 欺骗的;诈骗的 fraudulent a. of morals or moral questions; morally correct 伦理的;道德的 ethical * vt. be or make a copy of sth; reproduce 复现,复制 replicate n. laws considered collectively; action of making laws 法律;法规 legislation vt. (try to) stop sb. by advice or persuasion 劝阻 dissuade * n. point of view 立场;观点 standpoint a. of the art of healing or the curing of disease 治疗的 therapeutic n. possibility of being developed or used; qualities that exist and can be developed 潜在性;潜力 potential * n. regular order or way of doing things 程序;步骤 procedure a. surpassing the ordinary; exceptional 卓越的;特别的 transcendent v. criticize strongly, usually for moral reasons 谴责;责备;指责 condemn * a. of or consisting of cells 细胞的;由细胞组成的 cellular vi. give agreement or permission 同意;允许 consent v. contribute sth.; give (money, goods) to a charity 献出;捐赠 donate * * Vocabury Review * Unit One * vt. watch over or supervise 看管、监督 oversee vt. make into a pile 堆起来 stack a. evil or bad 邪恶的、坏的 wicked * v. come together, unite or join together (使)结合、联合 combine vt. believe to be true, likely or probable; feel doubt about 相信;怀疑 suspect n. the state or quality of being alone or remote from others 孤独、独居 solitude * vt. provide with visual features; clarify by use of examples 加插图于;举例说明 illustrate n. a short account of written materials or data 文摘;摘要 digest n. sth. that indicates or fixes a limit or extent 边界;分界线 boundary * vt. transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. (用卡车、马车等)搬运 haul a. being sth. that should have occurred earlier 早该有的,早该发生的 overdue vt. strive to gain or accomplish 努力去获得(完成),追求 pursue * vt. bring into existence, produce 形成,产生 generate vt. go to as a customer 光顾,惠顾 patronize a. spending much more than necessary 奢侈的、浪费的 extravagant * Unit Two * vi. look closely or carefully, esp. as if unable to see well 仔细看,费力地看,凝视 peer a. needing immediate attention, action or decisi


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