大学英语精读Book2 Unit7.ppt

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大学英语精读Book2 Unit7

Background Information Foster Care Children who are removed from their parents’ or legal guardian’s监护人 homes are cared for in out-of-home placement settings such as foster care homes, group residential homes, residential care facilities or with a family member. 4. The tragic story of the Dawson family in Baltimore This shocking event happened in October, 2002. The Dawson family-Angela Dawson, her husband, and five children- were all killed when a drug dealer set their house on fire in retaliation for (报复)Mrs. Dawson’s undaunted无畏的 stand against drug trafficking交易 in their Baltimore neighborhood. 1. Mrs. Armstead’s young grandchildren faced foster care when their mother ______. A) died B) abandoned them C) was addicted to drugs D) suffered from a terrible disease 2. When Mrs. Armstead confronted the leader of the group, she was very ______. A) calm B) frightened C) quiet D) nervous 3. The young men were friendly with Mrs. Armstead, which can be seen from the fact that ______. A) they listened to her words immediately B) both C and D C) they helped her D) they moved down to the next block Five blocks away from where Mrs. Armstead lived, the Dawson house was and seven people died just because Angela Dawson __________________________ drug dealers. After the deadly fire, Mrs. Armstead became______________. She participated in a local community organization and became .Together they did a lot of things such as driving drug dealers off ___________ and built a playground. 1. peer: vi. look closely and carefully, esp. when unable to see well 1.The old man at her over his spectacles. 2. The editor over the manuscript (手稿). 3. He through the darkness, trying to find the traffic sign to show the right way. 4. It’s very impolite to at other people. 5. The woman at the stranger in astonishment. 6. When I have breakfas


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