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Unit 2 Topic: What do you think of sailing on the sea? Globe Reading.1 Globe Reading.2-part1.1 Globe Reading.2-part1.2 After Reading_1.2 After Reading_1.3 After Reading_8.1 * * * * Sailing Round the World /us/201835894shtml Birthplace: Devon德文郡, Britain Francis Chichester (1901 – 1972) — English adventurer Achievements: As a young man, he went to New Zealand to work as a miner, salesman and land agent. In 1929, he made a solo flight to Australia in a biplane双翼飞机. In 1960, he won the first solo transatlantic ocean race sailing from Plymouth, England to New York City in 40 days. In 1931, he made the first eastward flight across Tasman Sea from New Zealand to Australia. Tasman塔斯曼 sea Plymouth普利茅斯 to New York In 1966-1967, he sailed around the world alone in a 55-foot sailing yacht, the longest passage made by a small sailing vessel without a port of call停靠港. yacht帆船 In 1967, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Knights were the highest class of fighting men in Europe during the Middle Ages. There were other classes of fighting men, such as the lowly foot soldiers. The great heroes of the time, both in story and in fact, were knights. Knighthood Ceremony The king or Queen takes the sword of the person being honored or borrows one from someone present at the ceremony. The person about to be knighted kneels on one knee and bows his head. The King or Queen touches with the sword first the left shoulder of the person, then the right shoulder, and finally the top of the bowed head. 1. Columbus (1451-1506) — Italian explorer 2. Magellan, Ferdinand (1480-1521)— Portuguese navigator 3. Zheng He (1371-1433) — Chinese explorer and diplomat外交官 4. Francis Drake (1543 - 1596) — English navigator and explorer Some other famous adventurers: Part Division of the Text 3 2 1 Main idea para Part Chichester’s decision to sail round the world single-handed Chichester’s accomplishment of his great voyage the significance of his great voyage --- giving man


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