大学英语精读第三册vocabulary lesson 3.ppt

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大学英语精读第三册vocabulary lesson 3

Lesson 3 A Dill Pickle Katherine Mansfield Words 1. decorate vt. vi. 装饰 decorate sth. with sth. The wall was decorated with some pictures. 人的装饰用adorn [?d??n] She adorned herself with jewels. 装饰住所和建筑物等常用 ornament和decorate,但decorate目的在于美化或庆祝,而ornament常指增添某物以增加原物之美。 That pot is an ornament; we don’t use it. Words 2. egoist [i?ɡ???st] n. c. John is such an egoist that he only cares about himself. 约翰是一个利己主义者,他只关心自己。 Words 3. exasperate vt.:irritate;make furious;make worse eg: What he did exasperates her. exasperated a. :greatly annoyed; out of patience We were exasperated at his ill behavior. He had an exasperated look on his face. exasperation n. He sighed in exasperation. 他恼怒地叹了口气。 Words 4. flap vt. vi. The scarf flapped her face. 围巾轻拂着她的脸。 The bird flapped its wings and flew away. 那鸟振翅飞去。 A flag flaps in the wind. 旗在风中飘扬。 Words 5. haunt n. : a frequently visited place vt. 1). follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to; The ghost of her mother haunted her. 2). haunt like a ghost Fear of illness haunts her 3). be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place He haunted textile mills, and learned all he could. Haunted by anxiety 忧心忡忡 5. haunting adj. I know from personal experience that this can be a haunting thing. 从我个人的阅历中我明白这是一件很困扰的事情。 6. hover v.: Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers. He was hovering in the doorway. She hovered on the brink of death for three months as doctors battled to save her. 3个月来在医生们奋力挽救她的生命的过程中,她一直处在死亡的边缘。 Words 7. indecision n.: After months of indecision, the government gave the plan the go-ahead on Monday. 经过几个月的犹豫不决,政府在周一批准了这项计划。 Words Words 8. infuriate [?nfj??r?e?t] vt.: make furious Their insults infuriated him. 发怒: anger n.\v. angry adj. 狂怒: fury n. infuriate v. infuriated furious adj. 暴怒: rage n. enrage v. raging adj. Words 9. loathe vt. : hate; detest I loathe having to get up so early in the morning! 我实在厌恶这么早起来! I loathe washi


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