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To my Sweetheart: 0.0 加油次奥~! By J (二) 选词 第一: 1.The host of dinner party was disappointed at the small number of guests who attended 少数嘉宾出席晚宴的主人感到失望。 2.Shouts of protest sprang out form the angry crowd 3.Mang people have the bad habit of spending money on impulse 4.All I can remember when I came to is my mother’s anxious face 我只记得当我我母亲焦虑的脸。By careful examination ,the doctors hope to track down the source of the infection 6.The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941 was a(an) unexpected event which brought America into world war 2 发生在1941年12月7日的珍珠港偷袭是使美国卷入第二次世界大战的一个意外事件。The coat fits the boy perfectly now,but he will outgrow it in a year’s time 这件外套完美地适合这男孩,但他会在一年的时间后穿不了了。The man’s eyes widened with fear when he saw the robber’s gun 当男人看见强盗用的枪,他的瞳孔扩大充满恐惧。He resumed his regular working hours shortly after he came out of hospital 他出院后不久他就重新开始了正常的工作New problems emerge when old ones are solved 当旧的问题都解决了新问题出现了。 Johonny’s mouth watered at the sight of big pudding 乔尼一看到大布丁就流口水了。 At the first light of dawn the warships made for the open sea 在黎明的第一道曙光,战舰为公海而制造。 The sudden rise in oil prices led toan economic crisis in that country 突如其来的油价上涨导致那个国家的一场经济危机。 The people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule 非洲人民成功地进行了反对殖民统治的斗争。 A man of humble origin ,Lincoln eventually because president of the united states through his own efforts 一个出身卑微的人---林肯,通过自己的努力最终成为美国总统 The floods are threatening most of the village in the area 洪水威胁到这片区域的大部分村庄Many species of animanls which once lived on the earth are no longer in existence 很多曾在地球上生存过的动物物种现在已绝种了。Once he realizes that it ishis mistake ,jim never hesitates to admit and correctit 当Jim意识到他所犯的错误时,他毫不犹豫的承认并改正了。History shows that the united states as a nation owes a great deal to the African-Americans 历史表明,美国作为一个国家,在很大程度上要归功于非裔美国人 19. Acting on the advice of his doctor, Mr .Park had his eye operate on right after he retired last week 根据他私人医生的建议,Mr.Park在上周退休之后进行了他的右眼手术。There is no sense in leaving important decisions to


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