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The name of Dallas Mavericks reflects Texas cowboy past maverick is rebellious person who refuses to obey social norms(规范) 达拉斯小牛队的名字反映了德克萨斯牛仔过去特立独行的叛逆人拒绝遵守社会规范 The ablility to keep calm in a dangerous or critical situation is onr of her many strengths(优势) 能在危险的情况下保持冷静是很有优势的 You must not take her criticisms of your plan personally(个人) Actually what she said does make sense to us all 你不能把他对你的计划提出的批评不以为然其实他说的话对我们是有道理 We need to look fot ways to make things safer ,but we shouldn’t dismiss(辞退) anidea because it isn’t 100% safe 我们需要用方法让事物更安全,但我们不给予考虑它是因为它不是100%安全 He isn’t going to shift (推卸)his responsibility to anyone else ,Instead he is going to handle the problem himself 他不打算把责任推卸给别人,相反的他打算如何来解决这个问题 The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve(存储) of knowledge experience and ability 一个人要在这个世界上真正的安全那就是要有知识、经验、能力、的储备 Some of my friends are experts in this regard .from them you can seek professional(专业) advice on the issue 我的一些朋友都是这方面的专家,你可以向他们寻求专业的建议。 The objective(目的) of college education is to provide the young with an opportunity to learn how to educate themselves throughout their lives 大学教育的目的是为年轻人提供机会学习如何在一生中教育自己 Being competent (主管) means being more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you 作为主管意味着要比别人同样事情你做要得更成功或更高 At 15,he left his hometown to look for employment(就业) in the city because he had to support the whole family 在15岁的时候,他离开家乡到城市寻找工作,因为他得养活整个家庭 A firm belief in yourself is all that is needed to alter (改变)your life no one except you alone can change it 在自己坚定的信念是所有需要改变你的生活只有你能改变它 The TOEEL is designed to assess(评定) the English proficiency for those who intend to study abroad 托福是用来评定那些打算出国留学的学生的英语水平 Building a healthy and productive(生产) workplace relationship is the key to improving productivity 建立一个健康的和富有成效的工作关系是提高生产力的关键 Since it is valid(有效的) to ask for sick leave ,he often uses it as an excuse for staying away from school 他请的是病假,但是他经常用它作为逃学的借口 The villagers are not merely(仅仅) satisfied w


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