
第七章 StarFabric技术综述.pdf

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2 Vo.l 2 No. 2 20074 Journal of CAEIT Apr. 2007 StarFabri 孙 学, 段求辉, 陈 颖 ( 中国电子科技集团公司第 10研究所, 成都 6 10036) : 开关互连( Sw it hed Fabri )技术将取代 行总线技术, 成为新一代信号与信息处理机系统 互连的解决方案星型结构( StarFabri ) 是一种交换性能和可开发性较好的开关互连技术, 用之可 以较快地建立起以开关网络为中心架构的高性能信号与信息处理机系统平台介绍了当前开关互 连技术的发展现状; 重点研究了 StarFabri 开关互连技术的互连协议工作原理技术特点和供开发 的软硬件资源; 对比分析了当前主流开关互连技术, 给出了星型结构技术的应用前景及其应用选 择参考 : 开关互连; 星型结构; 存储器映射; 交叉开关 : TN 911. 72 : A : 1673-5692( 2007) 02-191-06 A Survey of StarFabric Technology SUN Xue, DUAN Q iu-hu,i CHEN Y ing (The 10th Resear h Institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, Ch ina) Abstract: Sw it hed fabri te hnology, repla ing the shared bus, is going to be the solution of system in- ter onne tion for the next generation signal pro essor. This paper points out that StarFabri is an open sw it hed fabri te hnology good in sw it h ing performan e and exp loitability. StarFabri w ill a elerate the developm ent of signal and information pro essor based on sw it hed fabri te hnology. In this paper, the status quo of sw it hed fabr i te hnology is introdu ed, and StarFabri is resear hed emphati ally, in lu- d ing its spe ifi ation, operational prin iples, te hnology traits, and hardw are sofwt are. A omparison w ith other major sw it hed fabri te hnologies, its appli ation prospe ts, and some suggestions of its option are brought up asw el.l K ey words: sw it hed fabri; StarFabri; memory map; rossbar , 0 , ( Bus), [ 1]


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