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5.3词义的引申 (61)The output of the United Nations has not been commensurate with the input. (62)We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street. (63)It is not a good habit for a child to water anywhere. (64)Excessive shaft deflection can be the death of an otherwise well designed machine. 5.3词义的引申 (65)The high cost of this new product has discouraged its commercial use· (66)The scholars don’t dream of accepting established categories and procedures just because they are established. 5.3词义的引申 5.3.2通过抽象化加以引申 英语中有时用表示具体形象的词或短语来表示某种特性、事物、概念等。译成汉语时,往往要将这种含义或短语作抽象化的引申,用比较笼统概括的词加以表达,以使译文明快达意。 5.3词义的引申 (67)They have their smiles and tears· (68)As far as the head goes,at least,he does credit to the educational system pursued at my establishment. (69) During the 1970s, he was an embryo teacher, but he was very confident. (70)It seems to us that the General Assembly should strive,constantly and resolutely, to sharpen its weapons against the violators of the Charter. 5.3词义的引申 (71)The technological process was then a newcomer in the U.S.,so applications were not numerous。 (72)An electric power station is a factory in which energy is converted from one form or another into electric energy. (73)The bottom line of the problem was that the recession did not show the least sign of bottoming out. 5.3词义的引申 (74)We would like to build a color-blind society where all men can have equal educational and vocational opportunities. (75)Military strategy may bear some similarity to the chessboard but it is dangerous to carry the analogy too far. 5.3词义的引申 5.3.3通过具体化加以引申 英汉翻译中,还经常需要将原文中含义比较抽象而概括的词用意思比较明确而具体的词表达出来,以避免译文晦涩费解。 (76)Informed guesswork suggests that the steel output could rise to over one hundred million tons next year. (77)The coverage and visibility of a satellite is determined primarily by its orbit. 5.3词义的引申 (78) A wide variety of tools are available commercially. (79)At thirty-two,she had first learned what it is to be an immigrant. (80)The purpose is to esta


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