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LOGO 翻译技巧(七) 反译法(反面着笔法) 由于英汉表达习惯的巨大差异,英语中的肯定形式可以甚至必须译成汉语中的否定形式,而英语中的否定形式却宜译作汉语中的肯定形式,也就是使用“反译法”,亦称作“反面着笔法”或“正反、反正译法”。 例如: “Wet Paint” “Keep Upright!” 再如: (1)“I have read your articles,but I expect to meet an older man。” 原译:“我读过你的文章,但我料想会见到一个年纪更大的人。” (2) Some of the items are good; others might be better. 原译:有些节目很好,有些应该更好些。 11.1 肯定译作否定 11.1.1动词(短语) 11.1.2副词 11.1.3形容词 11.1.4介词(短语) 11.1.5连词 11.1.6名词 11.1.7某些固定短语 11.1.8句子 11.1.1动词(短语) (3) I regret to learn that you have failed in the examination. (4) The first bombs missed the target. (5) Painting is the most common way to protect metals from corrosion. (6) The evidence is clear enough, excluding all possibilities of doubt. (7) Water is a good lubricant,if you can devise a way to keep it from leaking out or evaporating· (8) The value of loss in this equation is so small that we can overlook it. (9) An investment in the money market fund has tied up the money until the end of the term of the investment. (10) To preserve the fiction,she refrained from scolding her child until the company left. 11.1.2副词 (11) The world will be long forgetting their evil deeds. (12) So far, experts have had about the same degree of success as stock market forecasters, which is to say they do badly. (13) Time is what we want most,but what many use worst. (14) Julia continued to look absently at the sea. (15) Pure water hardly conducts an electric current at all, but it becomes a good conductor if salt is dissolved in it. 11.1.3形容词 (16) Our idea on the subject are still fluid. (17) These official documents shall form an integral part of this contract. (18)“It was the most influential private group,”says one of the founder members. (19) It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out. (20) Deception is foreign to his nature. (21) He seems very reluctant to give money away. (22) That is only a marginal agreement. 11.1.4介词(短语) (23) It is beyond his power to sign such a contract. (24) Out of sigh


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