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第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分34分) 第一节(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A When my husband and I were married, I accepted the fact that he wasn’t the kind who would shower me with words and expensive diamonds. “I’m not good with words,” he’d say, as he hugged me close,”but this card says everything that’s in my heart.” As time passed, we became parents of two little girls. With the extra expenses, my husband decided to go back to school and train as a mechanic .We had to live separately. We had never been apart, and I, ever the romantic, cut off a piece of my hair. “Take this,” I told him. “And whenever you’re lonely, just run your fingers over it, and I’ll be there with you” He smiled, placed the hair in a small plastic bag, and put it into his wallet. The following years were a mixture of good and bad. We struggled financially. There certainly wasn’t money for expensive gift giving. But as time went by, our life was improved. So when I only received a card for a birthday or anniversary, I had the feelings of disappointment. Can cards never be replaced by diamonds? Then one day many years later, as we sat at the kitchen table, my husband emptied his wallet in search of a receipt. Suddenly, I saw the familiar plastic bag which contained that piece of brown hair. My eyes grew wet and my heart swelled with love for him. ”I can’t believe you saved this all of these years,” I said. He held my hand and said gently, “I’ll always keep it.” This past year, my darling and I were married forty-four years. He still is the quiet type and my once brown hair, has turned grey. But the piece of hair that remains in his wallet, speaks volume. I may not have diamonds to shine on my fingers, but I have a diamond in the rough and his love is worth more than any diamond. 24. To the author, her husband is_______. A. quiet and faithful B. practical and mean C. poor and romantic D. considerate and expressive 25.What does the author intend to tell us in the text?


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