大英综合教程第二版Unit 5PPT.ppt

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大英综合教程第二版Unit 5PPT

The whole town was in a festival atmosphere. It’s nice to oneself in a pool on a hot day. He the penpoint into the ink and then went on writing. D R _ WORD _ IMMERSE 3 Put into each gap one of the above words. Change the form where necessary. immersed ________ 1. 2. 3. dunk _____ dipped ______ CF: immerse, dunk dip D R _ WORD _ MARVELOUS marvelous: adj. causing wonder; excellent It’s marvelous that we could see each other again. It is a marvelous creation by the workers. D R _ WORD _ SPRINKLE sprinkle: vt. scatter (drops or particles of sth.) on (sth.); scatter in small drops The gardener is sprinkling water on the grass. Sprinkle the top with cheese. He likes to eat fish sprinkled with pepper. Pattern: sprinkle sth. on/over sth. Pattern: sprinkle sth. with sth. D R _ WORD _ ACCORD accord: vt. 1) grant 我们给予他一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎。 We accorded a hero’s welcome to him. 2) be in agreement (followed by with) What you have just said does not accord with what you told us earlier. Collocation: bring into accord 使符合,使一致 come/reach an accord 达成一致 in accord with 与…一致;与…相符合;与…调和 out of accord with 与…不一致,与…不相符合,与…不调和 D R _ WORD _ SUCCESSIVE successive: adj. following one after the other This is his fifth successive victory. He made two visits on successive days. D R _ WORD _ UNDERGO undergo: vt. go through; experience She is undergoing a surgical operation at the hospital. 解放前这位老工人遭受了许多苦难。 The old worker underwent much suffering before liberation. D R _ WORD _ APPRECIATE appreciate: vt. recognize the quality or significance of; value We greatly appreciate your timely help. 我认为小孩对现代画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。 I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. Professor Li’s lecture may help students to appreciate the works of art. D R _ WORD _ SWIFT1 swift: adj. rapid; prompt He was swift to take offense. The river is too swift to swim in. swift, pr


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