奴隶制度与资本主义(一)2013 new.ppt

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奴隶制度与资本主义(一)2013 new

Teaching Focus 1. 翻译策略: 非完全对应——具体化、抽象化、解释法 2. Translation Analysis of slavery and Capitalism (1) P.172 抽象化:扩大词义,就是扩大词语的外延。要扩大词语的外延,就要减少词语意义内涵,减少释义中包含的、上下文却并未提供的特别属性、特征,从而使其适应对象一般化、笼统化。 具体化:缩小词义,就是增加内涵,缩小外延,使之具体化、形象化。 解释法:如果译语中根本没有对应词,又无法造新词,就很可能要加以解释。 使用这些方法的原则,是译文不得背离原文所描写的实际情况。 1. This temperament often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. 这种气质往往见于60岁的老人,而不大见于20岁的小伙子。(具体化) 2. A great-grandmother of mine lived to the age of ninety-two, and to her last day remained a terror to all her descendants. 我的一位曾祖母活到92岁,她直到临终都令儿孙望而生畏。(具体化) 3. I have seventy-two grandchildren, and if I were sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal(sad and depressing) existence! 我有七十二个孙儿孙女,要是每离开一个都要难过,我的日子就惨了。(具体化 How to grow old) Your temperament is your basic nature, especially as it is shown in the way that you react to situations or to other people. ??? boy /b‘??/ (boys) 1 [N-COUNT] A boy is a child who will grow up to be a man. 2 [N-COUNT] You can refer to a young man as a boy, especially when talking about relationships between boys and girls. 3 [N-COUNT] usu poss N Someone’s boy is their son. (INFORMAL) 4 [N-COUNT] with supp You can refer to a man as a boy, especially when you are talking about him in an affectionate way. (INFORMAL ) terror /ter?r/ (terrors) 1 [N-UNCOUNT] Terror is very great fear. 2 [N-UNCOUNT] oft N n Terror is violence or the threat of violence, especially when it is used for political reasons. 3 [N-COUNT] A terror is something that makes you very frightened. 4 [N-COUNT] If someone describes a child as a terror, they think that he or she is naughty and difficult to control. (INFORMAL) 4. The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality. 另一件需要避免的事就是老想和年轻人呆在一起,希望从青年的活力中汲取力量。(解释) 5. About a year and a half ago, Jim developed a lump on his forehead and underwent surgery to have it removed. 大约一年半,以前,吉姆额头上长了个肿块,做手术把它切除了。(具体化) If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them


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