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Females should fight against their rights anyhow. However, on the one hand, women should spare no effort to finish their work;on the other hand, women should not ignore their family. They should balance the two aspects. Furthermore, we hope males should respect females in any cases and give them more room and freedom to achieve themselves. * * The changing of Chinese Women’s social status Ancient society Recent period society Modern society The feudal(封建社会) women have no political participation all the property of the command of dominion and housework (财产支配权家务管理权) is in male’s hand they were not allowed to learn academically but instead were forced to stay at home to learn domestic duties such as weaving, taking care of the children, cleaning, etc Political position Economic status Education status Womens position is quite low, They must abide(容忍) by SanCongSiDe Marriage and family Women bound feet(缠足), ruined womens physical and mental health of bad habits Health status Three Obediences and Four Virtues for Women (三从四德) obey her father as a daughter 未嫁从父 obey her husband as a wife 既嫁从夫 obey her sons in widowhood 夫死从子 morality 妇德 proper speech 妇言 modest manner 妇容 diligent work 妇功 如此“精美”的鞋子才能容纳下“三寸金莲” Women bound feet(缠足) “精美”的绣花鞋里的“三寸金莲”已畸形 世界上最后一个小脚部落——云南六一村 这还能算是脚吗? * Feudal society of China women in politics, economy, education, marriage and health all is a social bottom ,Feudalism bondage(封建礼教) to the womens development not only, also make it degenerate(恶化,堕落) into male accessories(附属品) in patriarchal society, without any independent personality at all 花木兰 看看我不是爹娘身旁的乖女儿 难成温顺新娘我不愿为出嫁装模作样 可若是违背家族礼教 三从四德定会使全家心伤 那是谁家姑娘,在凝眸将我望 为何我的影子是那么陌生 无论怎么装扮无法将真心藏 何时才能见到我 用真心歌唱看看我水中的身影 如此慌张不愿扮作新娘 也许是还想能继续飞翔 哪怕是违背媒妁之言父母期望 也想要离开家乡那是谁家姑娘 在凝眸将我望,为何我的影子是那么陌生 无论怎么装扮无法将真心藏 何时才能见到我用真心歌唱 Political position Marriage and family Female education Private founded female learn,Offic


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