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布氏姜片吸虫 Fasciolopsis buski Contents: 形态 Morphology 生活史 Life cycle 致病 Pathogenicity 诊断 Diagnosis 流行 Epidemiology 防治 Prevention and treatment 大小: 形状: 椭圆形 卵壳: 薄 (卵盖不明显) 颜色: 淡黄色 内容物: 1个卵细胞和数十个卵黄细胞 Transmit vector: Pathogenicity 病原学诊断: 粪便中检获虫卵或成虫. Epidemiology 分布 流行因素: 传染源 中间宿主 不良饮食习惯 Prevention and treatment 寄生于肝胆管内,致片形吸虫病。 Definitive host: Intermediate host: Reservoir host: Inhabited site: Transmit vector: * * Fasciola hepatica 肝片形吸虫 Fasciolopsis buski 布氏姜片吸虫 俗称姜片虫,也称肠吸虫 寄生于人体小肠内 致姜片虫病 Living adult Dead adult Morphology adult 口吸盘 腹吸盘 子宫 卵巢 睾丸 卵黄腺 Morphology egg: 卵 盖 Morphology The cercariae are released from the snail and encyst as metacercariae on aquatic plants(水生植物). The adult resides in the host’s small intestine. The eggs hatch, producing a free-swimming miracidium. Eggs are passed with the host’s feces into water. The miracidium infects the intermediate host, a snail. The metacercaria is ingested by the definitive host and “excysts” in the small intestine. Life cycle Brief summary of life cycle 人或猪 水生植物 小肠 扁卷螺 猪 Route of infection: 囊蚴 生食含囊蚴的水生植物 Definitive host: Reservior host: Site of inhabitation: Intermediate host: Infective stage: 临床表现: 轻度感染: 无症状? 严重感染: 腹痛、腹泻、肠梗阻,对于儿童可出现侏儒症 Laboratory Diagnosis 粪便直接涂片法 水洗沉淀法 查治传染源: praziquantel(吡喹酮) 切断传播途径:加强粪便管理;灭螺 保护易感人群:加强卫生 肝片形吸虫 Fasciola hepatica 头锥 morphology: morphology 与姜片虫卵相似 Life cycle Brief summary of life cycle 牛、羊 / 人 椎实螺 牛、羊等. 肝胆管 水生植物


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