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此部分全部上机操作完成。 上海市高中学业水平考试 (英语科) 口试样题 II. Speaking Section A Directions: Read aloud the following sentences. For each sentence, you will have thirty seconds to prepare and fifteen seconds to read. 1. “Nothing was wrong with the satellite,” he answered. 2. Now that e-readers are cheaper and more plentiful, they have gone mass market, reaching consumers across age. Section B Directions: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Dogs are living longer. Twenty years ago, people considered a 12-year-old dog to be very old. Today, many dogs live to be 15 or older. Dogs live 25 percent longer now than they did then! The main cause for this change is that dogs eat better food. In the 1970s, more people began treating dogs as members of their families. People spent more money to keep their dogs well. Then, other things began to change. Dog-food companies sold more kinds of food for dogs. Puppies, adult dogs and old dogs need different kinds of food. Some dog foods contain medicines that help prevent diseases. Section C Directions: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation. Questions1-2: Your friend is showing you his pictures taken in Beijing one week ago. Ask him two questions about his trip there. 【参考答案】 1. These pictures are terrific. Can you tell me something interesting about your trip? 2. How about the food? 【能力要求】能运用所学的语言功能意念知识, 根据情景要求进行讯问以获得所需的信息。 【知识内容】功能意念/询问相关信息。 Section D Directions: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the following pictures in at least five sentences. Begin your talk with the sentence given. One day,Xiao Ming was eating a banana. III. Listening and Speaking Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear four sentences. Make quick responses to the sentences you have heard. Of all the subjects, I li


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