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1 a small (缺口) in the dam 2 (浅的) foundation 3 (履行) a promise 4 the (幸存者) of the earthquake 5 (假设的) situation 6 (发起) a reform 7 have (潜力) as an artist 8 (不顾) their strong disagreement 9 (中和) acids 10 be in (联系) with each other 11 (运输) goods by lorry 12 the (大量) of exports 13 (穿透) the fog 14 (证实) my suspicious 15 (战略) of sustainable development 16 a rough (估计) of your income 17 (显著的) change 18 power (产生) 19 (转移) one’s glance from an ugly sight 20 (医学的) apparatus and instruments 21 (传播) knowledge 22 territorial (完整) 23 (赔偿) for the loss 1 The match won’t (发生冲突) the general election. 2 (勇敢面对) difficulties 3 Some drugs have a (有毒的) effect on the body. 4 The fuel (测量仪器) dropped swiftly. 5 Its (后果) will never be fully known. 6 the (持续时间) of the movie 7 a box of (纸巾) 8 Accounting and banking have changed (戏剧地). 9 suggest a possible (情况) 10 Physics is governed by (宇宙的) laws. 11 Everything is absolutely (正常的). 12 Water power can be used to (形成) electricity. 13 The children were (疏散) to the country. 14 This city (经历) great changes. 15 (承受) the severe fuel shortage 16 Energy is released by the (裂变) of atomic nuclei. 17 (调整) a number of its strategies 18 Everyone must (遵守) by the law. 19 keep calm in an (突发事件) 20 a famine (随之而来的) the war 21 The project could (刺激) imports. 2


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