
一种Roberts自适应边缘检测方法 康牧.pdf

一种Roberts自适应边缘检测方法 康牧.pdf

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一种Roberts自适应边缘检测方法 康牧

42  10 西 安 交 通 大 学 学 报 Vol.42 №10 2008 10     JOURNAL OF XI′AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Oct .2008 Roberts 1, 2 3 1 , , (1. , 710071, ;2., 471022, ; 3., 471003, ) :针对Roberts 算法对噪声比较敏感且需要人为指定阈值等问题, 提出 一种 Roberts 自适 应边缘检测方法.利用Roberts 算子的基本原理, 扩充 检测方向, 再根据待检像素周围的3×3 像 素邻域的平均像素灰度值, 结合人眼视觉特征自适应地生成动态阈值, 这样既保留 原Roberts 算 子的可并行处理、快速运算、边缘较细等优点, 还对噪声有 一定的抑制作用.同时, 针对Roberts 算 法边缘检测相对粗糙、边缘细化效率较低的问题, 分析和改进 原有边缘细化算法, 即先对含有噪 声的图像进行边缘检测, 过滤其伪边缘, 再对图像边缘进行细化处理, 从而得到单像素边缘.实验比 较表明, 所提算法能够自适应地生成动态阈值, 提高图像边缘细节信息的提取性能. :图像处理;边缘检测;自适应阈值 :T 391.41 :A  :0253-987X(2008)10-1240-05 A Roberts Adaptive Edge Detection Method 1, 2 3 1 KANG Mu , XU Qinggong , WANG Baoshu (1.School of Computer, Xidian University, Xi′an 710071, China;2.Academy of Information Technology, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang, Henan 471022, China;3.Department of Computer, Luoyang Institute of Science and T echnology, Luoyang, Henan 471003, China) Abstract:An adaptive edge detection method is proposed for the sensitivity to noise and given threshold of existing Roberts algorithms.The basic principle of the Roberts algorithm is used and the direction of the detection is expanded.The algorithm generates automatically adaptive thresh- old according to the mean value of the 3×3 area pixels around the detecting pixel and the property of peoples vision.It not only can keep advantages of existing Roberts algorithm such as parallel process,fast calculation speed and the comparatively thin edge, but also can play a certain part in restraining noise.Because the edge detect


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