定语从句 关系副词 2011.ppt

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定语从句 关系副词 2011

Now it so happened that the king’s youngest daughter fell in love with a poor young man. The two began to meet in a garden _____ no gardeners lived. They would meet on the night _____ there was a full moon in the sky. No one knew the reason _____ they loved each other so deeply. Now the king knew about the love affair. He ordered his daughter to come to his court and answer each question he asked. And the princess did as he asked—“we always meet in a place __________ no other people have visited. We meet at the time __________ either of us forget. We love each other for the reason __________ no one knows clearly.’ The king was greatly surprised by her words. He then got very angry. “are those answers the ones _____ you should give to your dear father?’ the princess trembled at her father’s words. The king saw this and asked again, “Now my child, tell me the place in ______ you meet. Tell me the day on ________ you meet. And above all, tell me the reason for _____ you love the young man.” 1. Can you remember the time __________ we spent together last year? 2. Can you remember the time _____ we lived in the country last year? 3. This is the place ________ we visited in 1998. 4. I well remember the place ______ I went to school at the age of eight. 6. He told me the reason _____________ he was dismissed. 7. I don’t believe the reason ___________ he told me 综合考查二:定语从句与并列句/状语从句 1.Put back the book _____ it was. (where/ that) 2.Here are the books I like most, and some of ________ are birthday presents from my uncle. (whom/ them) * * * * 定语从句 关系副词 when why where which/that which/that that that/which which which which why(= for which) where (=in/ at which) when(=at / in/ on which) Function in the clause Referring to The relative adverb (关系副词) time 状语 place 状语 reason 状语 that/which/\ when that/which \ where why / for which that/which/\ 关系代词which,that,who,whom,在从句中充当主语、宾语(可省略,但介词之后不可用that)


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