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定语从句的个人翻译课外作业 经贸B22, 经贸B2 May20, 2013 1. Many of our Welsh people are going to settle in North Carolina, where land is cheap. 2. A sailor who was fixing a rope lost balance and tumbled overboard. 3. He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument. 4. China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts. 5. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, can not carry out creative work and replace man. 6. Nothing is hard in this world for one who dares to climb the high mountain. 7. The rain washed away the track, which prevented the train from running forward. 8. My grandfather, who is now in his eighties, is still a keen cyclist. 9. Without the moon, life on earth would likely face the same kinds of wild change in climate that Mars has apparently experienced through the long time. 10. So, let us, in these next five days, start a long march together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, free from outside interference or domination. 参考译文 1. Many of our Welsh people are going to settle in North Carolina, where land is cheap 我们威尔士人有许多去北卡定居,因为那里土地便宜。(状译法-原因) 2. A sailor who was fixing a rope lost balance and tumbled overboard. 一个水手正在系绳子的时候,失去平衡,掉到水里去了。(状译法-时间) 3. He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument. 他正在收集确凿的证据以证明他的论点。 (状译-目的) 4. 我们进行了卓有成效的双边和多边的外交活动。 China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts. “活动”之前有四个修饰定语:卓有成效,双边,多边,外交,在英译汉时将两个定语前置,两个后置,显得十分平衡。如果四个定语全部前置,译成“fruitful bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities”,则前置定语显得太长了些。 (前、后置法) Electronic computers, which have many advantages, can not carry out creative work and replace man. 电子计算机虽然有很多优点,但不能进行创造性的工作,代替不了人。(状译-让步)


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