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Translation of Attributive Clause From Adverbial way Ⅰ. Cause No one in the class likes their head teacher, who is stingy and bad-tempered. 班里没人喜欢他们的班主任,因为他脾气暴躁人又小气。 The car, whose brake wasn’t very reliable, began to slide backward. 因为刹车失灵,车开始往后滑。 Ⅱ. Consequence They quarreled with each other every day, which led to their divorce. 他们夫妻二人天天吵架,最终导致离婚。 Matter has certain features or properties that enable us to recognize it easily. 物质具有一定的特征或特性,因此极易识别。 Ⅲ. Condition Those who are in favor please hold up the hands. 如果同意,请举手。 Any one who works hard and never gives up will succeed. 任何人,只要努力工作永不放弃,就能够成功。 Ⅳ. Purpose I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. 一个人缠着我,向我兜售一枚钻石戒指。 He decided to write a poem that will attract the pretty girl’s attention. 他想写一篇文章,以期引起那个美丽女孩的注意。 Ⅴ. Concession He insisted on buying another car, which he actually didn’t need. 他坚持要再买辆车,尽管他并不需要。 Many men who have had few advantages in their youth became famous scientists. 许多人尽管在青年时代并不十分出色,后来却变成了有名的科学家。 Group work-competition (exercises) In a personal sense, I think of my eldest daughter, whose birthday is today. Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance. The lungs are subjected to several diseases which are treatable by surgery. In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involved. School programs will be much more responsive to what the child is capable of thinking, which will minimize over-challenge and under-challenge. Chinese delegations have been sent to European countries who will negotiate trade agreement with the respective government. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, can not carry out creative work as man. Mo Yan, who created wonderful literary works, won the Nobel Prize in 2012. * * Cause Consequence Condition Purpose Concession (such/so…that) (prerequisite) (in order that/to) *


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