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16 4 Vol. 16 No. 4
2008 4 Optics and Precision Engineering Apr.2008
1004924X( 2008)
1, 2 1 1
童 超 , 金庆辉 , 赵建龙
( 1. 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所, 上海200050;2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100039)
:POCT( PointofCare Test)
(FPGA) , :
TFT 1.3! 10 pixel15 frame/ s , , DNA 10
m, ∀ 1.5%, POCT
: 实时图像采集; 现场可编程门阵列; POCT
:T P391 : A
Novel real time image collection system for pointofcare test
1, 2 1 1
T ONG Chao , JIN QingHui , ZHAO JianLong
( 1. Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Inf ormation Technology ,
ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China;
2. Graduate School of the Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100049, China)
Abstract: In order to capture and process the image signals in biochemical results using PointofCare
Test(POCT) devices, a realtime imaging and processing system based on Field Pragramm GateArray
(FPGA) is developed. T he design and developing processes of software and hardware are introduced.
The experimental results indicate that this system can display 1. 3 megapixels and up to 15 frame/ s
video in real timeon theT FT screen,and the detection precision for DNA micro arrays can reach to 10
m after fitting together a microsope system. Compared with the results of the large scale detecting
system in the laboratory, the detection error can be controlled within ∀ 1.5% , which can satisfy the
detecting requirements of real time, higher precision, quick detection and convenience for carrying in
the POCT devices.
Key words: real time image capturing; Field Pragramm Gate Array ( FPGA) ; Pointof Care T est
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