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一、破句 所谓破句,就是把不成句子的一组词当成句子来对待。破句在学生的习作中大量存在。 l) I have a meeting with my boss . During my lunch break on Thursday . 2)I am going to the airport .To meet my best friend there . 3) We have everything we need . Sleeping bag , tent and warm clothes . 二、串句 就是错误地把两个或多个本来完整的句子用逗号或不作任何标点符号串在一起 ,让独立完整的句子不能独立起来 ,没有考虑句子之间的关系 ,造成结构上的错误。 l ) Tom is a terrible soccer coach , he cares more about winning than he does about the children he manages . 2 ) Benny decided to quit smoking , it was making him dizzy(晕眩的) and lightheaded(头晕眼花的) 三、修饰语错置 l ) The supervisor(主管人) told me that they needed someone who could use both Excel and Flash badly. ( ) 2 ) The supervisor told me that they badly (非常地)needed someone who could use both Excel and Flash . ( ) 四、悬垂修饰语 l ) At the age of six , my uncle bought me the first pet , a gold fish . 2 ) While reading the paper last night , an article on solar energy attracted my attention . 五、不一致 l ) Tom is one of the students who does not take applied mathematics . ( ______应为______ ) 2 ) Many a student are lacking in creativity. ( ______应为______ ) 六、指代不清 l ) On her way , Sandy met Frank and Jim . She asked him to go together with her. 2 ) The old lady told my mother she was right . 七、 There be 结构 l ) There are many people like to go to the movies . ( X ) 2 ) There are different kinds of vegetables can be bought on the market by people . ( X ) 以上例句为错误的表达,正确的表达应该为: l ) There are many people who like to go to the movies . 2 ) There are different kinds of vegetables that people can buy on the market . 八、汉语式的英语 汉语式的英语产生的原因主要是受中文思维影响,所写的英语句子是汉语的语序或表达习惯。还有一种原因就是学生在记单词时囫囵吞枣,不求甚解造成的。 1)外面的噪音让他学习分心。 ( )The outside noise divided his heart when he studied . ( ) The noise from outside distracted him from his studying . 2)他家里养了一只可爱的猫。 ( )His home raises a lovely cat . ( )He kept a lovely cat at home · 3)不管怎么说,我已经是一名大学生了。 ( ) No matter how to say , 1 am already a college studen


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