实用英语第四版第三单元 text A.ppt

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实用英语第四版第三单元 text A

What would you feel in times of crisis? Try to use some of the words given to describe your feeling when you are facing a crisis. depressed troubled anxious hopeless determined challenging confident cheerful strong discouraged hopeful courageous Exercise 2 Scan the passage to find the answers. The author’s attitude toward the trouble: The most difficult of life’s challenges: omething that can make you sicker than a virus: 4. The implication of “nervous breakdown”: Exercise 2 Scan the passage to find the answers. Exercise 3 Decide whether the statements are True (F) or False (F) according to the passage. 1. It is advisable for us all to face up to the trouble in life because it will disappear sooner or later. 2. It is a general belief among most doctors that a virus is not dangerous compared with one’s emotional problems. 3. Those who don’t know how to use time properly may easily get sick and can hardly overcome their sickness. 4. It is no use for those broken-hearted making a quick recovery just by escaping from the world. 5. “No pains, no gains” is one of the author’s attitudes toward life. Exercise 4 Read the statements taken from the passage and decide whether they are Facts (F) or Opinions (O). — Stop crying. Don’t be sad any more. Enough of this breast-beating. — …there is someone who suffers more than you — and you can help him out of the trouble. ... there is someone who is worse off — and you can help him. e.g. Mr. Black was worse off than Jack. We shouldn’t complain about being poor — many families are much worse off (than we are). worse off: in worse or poorer condition or state e.g. She’s been very badly off since losing her job. In the city, the poor are as badly off as they were in the village. cf. badly off: having little money; poor — We don’t know why life is so hard to som



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