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面向维护的机电设备系统多分布可靠性建模与数值计算 ———岳文辉  刘德顺  陈安华等 面向维护的机电设备系统多分布 可靠性建模与数值计算 岳文辉  刘德顺  陈安华  黄良沛 湖南科技大学机械设备健康维护湖南省重点实验室 ,湘潭 ,4 1120 1 摘要 :基于机电设备系统中零件的失效时间分布密度函数 ,研究了面向维护的具有多种失效时间分 布零件的机电系统服役年限模型 ,发展了机电设备系统多分布可靠性模型 。通过数值计算和理论分析 , 探讨了零件失效时间分布密度函数以及不同分布的零件比例对系统可靠度的影响规律 ,这对以可靠性 为核心的机电设备系统的维修策略的制定和面向维护的机电设备系统设计具有指导意义 。 关键词 :维护 ;系统服役年限;可靠性 ;零件替换率 ;维修成本 ( ) 中图分类号 : TU 283 . 2    文章编号 :1004 —132X 2008 13 —15 13 —05 Model ing and Numerical Calculation of Multi - distribution Rel iabil ity of Mechanical and Electronic Systems Undergoing Maintenance Yue Wenhui  Liu De shun  Chen A nhua  Huang Liangp ei Hunan U niver sit y of Science Technolo gy , Hunan Provincial Key L aboratory of Healt h Maint enance for Mechanical Equip ment , Xiangt an , Hunan , 4 1120 1 Abstract : Ba sed on t he time - to - f ailure den sit y f unction of p art s , t he average service lif e and re liabilit y mo del having multi - di st ribution of mechanical and elect ronic sy st em s un der going maint e nance were co n st r uct ed . By mean s of numerical calculation and analy si s of t he reliabilit y an d rep lace ment , t he influence of t he p aramet er s of t he time - to - f ailure den sit y f unction , and t he vary p ropor tion s of p art s on t he reliabilit y for mechanical an d elect ronic sy st em s un der goin g maint enance were in ve stigat ed . It i s significant to e st abli sh rea sonable maint enance p olicie s around t he reliabilit y and t he de sign un der going maint enance of mechanical and elect ronic sy st em s. Key words :maint enance ; sy st em service age ;reliabilit y ;rep lacement rat e ;maint enance co st 0  引言


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