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第19 卷 第3 期 传 感 技 术 学 报 V ol. 19 No. 3 2006 年6 月 CHINESE JOURNAL OF SENSORS AND ACT UATORS Jun. 2006 Research on Method of TDE in Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Based on Powe-r Cepstrum S U S hao-j ing ,CH E N G X iao-chang , WA N G Yue-ke (S choo l of M echa troni cs Eng ineerin g and A utomat ion, N at ional Uni v of D ef ense Technolog y , Ch angsha 410073, Ch ina) Abstract:Cros-s correlation is the common arithmetic in pulse-echo ultrasonic distance measurement. The cross-correlation is high oscillatory w ith similar amplitudes around the peak because the narrow-band ech- oes is high oscillatory w ith slow-changing en elope, so that it becomes difficult to find the actual max-i mum . Firstly, the TDE (Time Delay Estimation)model in ultrasonic distance measurement is established, and then a no el method appropriate for ultrasonic distance measurement based on pow e-r cepstrum is pres- ented. It is pro ed by simulation and experiment that we can obtain the TDE alue precisely by this meth- od and simultaneously the effect on TDE because of the ultrasonic echo specialty is a oided. Lastly, the strongpoints and deficiencies are interpreted in the article. Key words:cross-correlation;pow er-cepstrum ;ultrasonic distance measurement;time delay estimation EEACC:Z 20 苏绍景,程晓畅, 王跃科 (, 410073)  :, , 。, 。, , 。。 ;;; : :TJ43. 4. 1    :A  :1004-1699(2006)03-0 36-03   , , 。, 。, 。 , , ,。 。 ,, ; [7] , ; (, ) 。, , :2005-07-27 :(1973-), , , , ; (1978-), , , , , cxccx c2000@163. com; (1957-), , , 、、, 第3 期 苏绍景,程晓畅等:基于功率倒谱的超声测距时延 计方法研究 837 。



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