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BP 神经网络在柴油机涡轮增压系统故障诊断中的应用 - 计算机应用研究
2·02 · 计算机应用研究 2006 年
BP 神经网络在柴油机涡轮
增压系统故障诊断中的应用 *
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孙 欣 , 丁香乾 , 石 硕
( 中国海洋大学 1. 信息科学与工程学院; 2. 信息工程中心, 山东 青岛 266071)
摘 要: 将 BP 神经网络应用于柴油机涡轮增压系统的故障诊断。简要介绍了 BP 神经网络的基本原理和算
法, 采用 BP 算法对网络进行训练、学习 , 可以识别柴油机滤清器堵塞、空冷器空气测流阻增大、气缸进排气堵塞
及废气涡轮流阻增大四种故障 , 诊断结果和实际结果非常吻合 , 诊断结果可靠性强, 并可以准确预计故障等级。
关键词: 故障诊断; 柴油机; 涡轮增压系统; 神经网络 ; BP 算法
中图法分类号: TP183 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1001- 3695( 2006) 06- 0202- 03
Application of BP Neural Networks to Fault Diagnosis of
Turbocharging System of Diesel Engine
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SUN Xin , DING Xiang-qian , SHI Shuo
( 1. College of Information Science Engineering; 2. Information Engineering Center, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Shandong 266071 ,
Abstract: This paper applies BP neural networks to the fault diagnosis of turbine supercharging system of diesel engine. The
keystone and algorithm of BP neural networks are simply introduced. Then, the BP algorithm is applied to train the networks.
The trained networks can identify four kinds of fault diagnosises, including the jam in air filter of diesel engine, air resistance
increase in air freezing refrigeration, the jam of intake and exhaust system, air resistance increase in turbo. Furthermore, the
diagnosing results are consistent with the factual results. So the dignosing results are very reliable, and we can estimate the
grade of the faults exactly.
Key words: Fault Diagnosis;
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