
R32制冷系统降低排气温度的方法研究 - 制冷学报.PDF

R32制冷系统降低排气温度的方法研究 - 制冷学报.PDF

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R32制冷系统降低排气温度的方法研究 - 制冷学报

33  Vol.33,No.1 第 卷 第 期 制冷学报 202 2 Journal of Refrigeration February. 2012 年 月 0253-4339 2012 01-0014-04 文章编号: ( ) - doi:10.3969/j.issn. 0253 4339. 2012. 01. 014 R32制冷系统降低排气温度的方法研究 秦 妍 张剑飞 (大连三洋压缩机有限公司 大连 116033) 摘 要 从理论与实验两方面分析了R32替代R4 10A后,制冷系统运行参数的变化,提出了采用补气方法降低R32系统排气 温度的方法。并以某厂家5HP空调器进行实验,对比了同一系统采用两种不同的制冷剂后,系统充注量、换热量、功率、 COP 、排气温度等参数的变化;分析了不同工况下补气对系统排气温度、换热量、COP 的影响。结果表明:R32替代R4 10A 后,系统能力及能效均有所提升,同时排气温度也上升;采用补气方法后,能够有效降低排气温度,同时在一定程度上增 加换热量及COP 。R32是一种具有潜力的替代制冷剂,采用补气系统,将打破排气温度过高对其应用的限制。 关键词 热工学;R32; 补气; 排气温度;能效比 + + 中图分类号:TB61 2; TU831.3 7 文献标识码:A Study on the Method of Reducing Discharge Temperature of Refrigerant System with R32 Qin Yan Zhang Jianfei Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd., Dalian, 116033, China ( ) Abstract This paper analyzed theoretically the change of refrigerant system after replacement of R410 with R32. Such replacement led to the increase of the discharge temperature of the system. The method of gas refrigerant injection was proposed to reduce the discharge temperature. Some experiments were made to investigate the variation of refrigerant system on charging rate, capacity, COP, discharge temperature after the replacement of R410A with R32. The results showed that, comparing with R410a system, the capacity, COP and discharge temperature of R32 were increased, and the R32 system with gas refrigerant injection can reduce effectively the discharge temperature, andincrease the capacity and COP. It can be concluded t


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