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Vaccination Timing 免疫时机
猪肺炎支原体的免疫时机及疫苗的选择 先灵葆雅动物保健市场技术部 荣 强 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae猪支原体肺炎 (Mycoplasma pneumonia of swine ?MPS?) Enzootic Pneumonia (EP) M. hyo Disease猪支原体肺炎 First isolated from pig lungs in 1965 1965年首次在猪肺脏中分离 One of the most common and economically important diseases 最普遍和经济意义重大的疾病之一 A complex interaction between M. hyo and other bacterial and viral infections, and poor management and ventilation. 主要损失是支原体和其它细菌病毒的混合感染、饲养管理不善、通风不良等综合因素所致。 M. hyo Disease One of the primary pathogens causing Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (PRDC) 引起PRDC 的原发病原之一 Affects as many as 99% of U.S. herds 99%的美国猪群都有感染 World-wide significance 世界范围内养猪生产中流行 M. hyo disease Economic effects are extremely variable between herds. 不同猪群的经济影响差异较大 Dependent on cost of inputs, price of pigs, other diseases, etc. 取决于投入的成本、猪价、其它疾病的情况等。 A MOVING TARGET. M. hyo Disease Reduced average daily gain (ADG) 降低日增重 Reduced feed efficiency (FE) 降低饲料报酬 Increased medication costs 增加药物成本 Increased cull or light-weight pigs 增加淘汰或低体重的猪 Etc. M. hyo Economic Losses M. hyo decreased growth rate 12.7% and decreased feed efficiency by 13.8% (Pointon, et al,1985) 肺炎支原体可降低生长率12.7%和饲料报酬13.8% M. hyo disease Transmission between pigs: aerosol and direct contact 猪之间传播途径:空气和直接接触 Transmission between farms: movement of infected pigs 猪场之间传播方式:感染猪的移动 Aerosol between farms: Britain ~3.2 km 猪场之间传播距离:3.2公里 M. hyo Disease Clinical signs include:临床症状 chronic cough (often dry or nonproductive) 慢性咳嗽(通常是干咳) high morbidity and low mortality 高发病率和低死亡率 uneven groups of pigs 猪群内生长不整齐 M. hyo disease Peak prevalence in Finisher because of: 在育肥期多发的原因: Long incubation period:潜伏期长 Slow spread传播缓慢 Increased animal density养殖密度加大 Presence of other organisms其他致病菌的出现 M. hyo Pathogenesis M. hyo colonizes cilia of trachea and bronchi….paralyzing then tangling, splitting and breaking cilia….reducing normal function of mucociliary apparatus. 支原体定植在气管和支气管纤毛上,导致纤毛缠绕折断、脱落,从而降低了粘液纤毛的正常功能。 M. hyo Pathogenesis There is also evidence of impaired Alveolar ma
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