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丛枝菌根菌对草莓连作障碍的防治效果 各处理君迁子苗木生长及角斑病发病情况 Parameters measured at the end of the experiment (after 9 weeks) for plants inoculated with Glomus sp., G. proliferum, G. intraradices and G. versiforme and without AM (–AM), and grown in the absence (–Cspat) or the presence (+Cspat) of Cylindrocladium spathiphylli. Values are means of eight replicates. Values in the same column followed by identical lower-case letters are not significantly different (P 0·05). For each AM fungal treatment, significant differences between –Cspat and +Cspat are indicated by different upper-case letters. Pseudostem height (cm), total leaf surface area (cm2), root and shoot dry weight (g per plant) of Musa acuminata cv. Grande Naine Effect of four Glomus strains on disease severity, measured by the root necrosis index (%RNI), of banana root rot caused by Cylindrocladium spathiphylli. Bars represent SE (n = 8). 机制: 丛枝菌根菌对连作草莓叶片叶绿素含量、SOD 酶活性、MDA 含量及细胞膜相对透性的影响 不接种对照 只接种南方根结线虫 先接种AM真菌, 后接种南方根结线虫 同时接种AM真菌和南方根结线虫 接种AM真菌提高根系对线虫的抗性  AM真菌对南方根结线虫繁殖体的影响  南方根结线虫对AM真菌发育状况的影响 增强果树的耐盐性 现象: Height of banana plantlets (cv. Pacovan) after 3 months of salt stress. (circles) Control, (squares) plants colonized by A. crobiculata, (triangles) by G. clarum and (triangles reverse) by G. etunicatum. All regressions are significant (p ≤ 0.05), mean ± S.E. (n = 4). 机制: Fresh and dry mass of shoots, and roots, leaf area and pseudostem diameter of banana plantlets (cv. Pacovan) inoculated with AMF after 3 months of saline stress Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 95 (2003) 343–348 不同盐胁迫AM对酸枣实生苗各部位Na浓度的影响 M NM 接种AM真菌后,地上部(尤其是茎)的Na浓度降低,而根系的Na浓度增加。 NaCl 浓度 (g/L) 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 不同盐胁迫AM对酸枣实生苗各部位Na 总量的影响 M NM % 14.4 7.0 17.0 29.2 12.8 7.8 14.6 16.0 接种AM真菌后,更多的Na滞留在根系中,而向地上部转移的Na减少,减轻地上部危害。 % 4.5 4.3 9.2 12.7 9.8 10.7 16.4 23.0 % 75.6 88.7 79.4 53.6 76.2 69.9 73.2 66.7 NaCl浓度 (g/L) 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 影响植株内源激素水平 现象: Influence of AM fungi on IAA and iPAs concentrations of litchi seedlings. Open bars and closed bars represent sho


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