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1996 7       29  4 Jul. 1996         JOURNAL OF TIANJIN UNIVER SITY        V o l. 29 N o. 4 刘庆普  侯斯健 哈润华 ()    介绍以 W / O 型 PA M 胶乳和改性氨基树脂为主要成分、互穿聚合物网络型油田选择 性堵水 的制备、性能与应用 . 该堵水 堵水效率高,耐高温、有效期长,施工简单,可堵可解, 是 国内一种新型的选择性堵水 . : W /O ,,, : T E357. 46 PREPARATION OF WATER PLUGGIN G AGEN T FOR OIL FIELD WITH IN TERPEN ETRATIN G POLYMER N ETWORKS Liu Qingpu Hou Sijian Ha Runhua ( Dept. of Applied Chemist y)   Abs rac  A nov el selectiv e w ate plugging agent of inte pene t a ting poly me netw o ks with W / O polyac ylamide la tex and mo dified amino esin as majo compo nents wa s p epa ed fo oil- fields. Facto s on which the cha ac te istics of the o btained p o duct depend a e discused in this pa- pe . This w ate plug ging ag ent ha s ex cellant wa te plugg ing pe fo mance, high st eng th, lo ng ef- , . - fec tiv e pe iod and esista nce to high tempe atu es It can be easily applied and de plug g ed as well. : , , / Key words inte pene t ating po lyme netw o ks w ate plug ging ag ent W O po lyac y lamide la- tex , mo dified a mino esin    . , ,, 1988 W /O ( PAM ) [ 1] T F-3( IPN ) . ,,( 7-10M Pa ) , ( - 150℃) ,,, . 1994 8 18. 1994 12 14.  *   1937, , . Bo n in 1937, male, ass oci ate p of . ·476·                      1996 7 ;,、、 ( 4500 ) ,( 150℃),; ( 40℃, 20~ 30 · )


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