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23 1 V o l. 23, N o. 1 2007 3 W ORLD EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING M ar. , 2007 : 1007- 6069 ( 2007) 01- 0091- 07 李永梅 张毅刚 ( , 100022) : , L anczos, , , , : L anczos : TU 394 : A Dynam ic characteristics of Kiewitt cable-supported lattice shells L I Y ong-m e i ZHANG Y -i gang ( T he C ollege of A rch itecture and C iv il E ngineering, Be ijing U n iv ersity of T echnology, B eijing 100022, Ch ina) Abstract: C able- supported lattice shell is a new k ind o f econom ic and larger spanning hybrid sp atial structure sys- tem, w hich is con sisted of sing le- layer spherical lattice shells and ten seg rity system s w ith rid of cab les located at the upper layer. T he fin ite elem ent m odel o f the hybrid spatia l structure system is bu ilt by the beam elem ents, tru ss e-l em ents and cab le elem ents, its dynam ics characterist ics and the influence o f som e p aram eters are ana lyzed thor- oughly here by the block L anczos m ethod, and then the com puted resu lts are com pered w ith sing le- layer reticu lated shell. T he results are va lu ab le for the dynam ic response research on the earthqu akes and w ind v ibrat ion and the en- gineering design of the cab le-supported latt ice she lls. K ey words: cab le-supported latt ice she lls sing le layer spher ical lattice shell b lock lanczos dynam ic ch aracteris- t ics 1 ( Su sp en dom e) , [ 1] , 1( ) , , , , , , , ( , , : 2006- 07 - 2 1 : 2006- 11- 23 : ( , ( 520040 1220050 1) : ( 197 1- ) , , , . 92


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