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Introduction 1. Definition of Stylistics 人们运用语言传递信息,交流思想,实现社会交际。这种言语交际是在特定的环境下,以特定的方式,同特定的对象,围绕特定的目的进行的。不同的交际环境,不同的交际方式、对象和目的,要求人们使用不同的“语言”,社会交际的需要使得语言产生不同的功能变体—文体。英语文体学就是研究英语各种文体的一门学科。 —秦秀白 《文体学概论》 文体学是一门研究文体的学问。有广狭二义。狭义—文学文体;广义—一种语言中的各类文体。(口语体,书面体) —(发言,闲谈;书信,广告语) —王佐良 丁往道《英语文体学引论》 A branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of STYLE. A study of the use of language in specific contexts, and accounting for the characteristics that mark the language use of individuals and social groups. —钱瑗 《实用英语文体学》 Stylistics is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used; it is a discipline that studies the styles of language. —徐有志《英语文体学教程》 An inter-disciplined branch of learning which studies various differences between formal and informal, between deviant and normal, between magnificent and plain, between professional and popular, between foreign and domestic, between this and that individual. —董莉 《英语文体学理论与实践》 A branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of situationally-distinctive uses of language, with particular reference to literary language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language. —The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, 1977 文体学是用语言学方法研究文体风格的学问。就目前的发展情况看,文体学的研究范围大致包括语体学、文学文体学和理论文体学三个方面。 语体学研究语言的各种变体。 文学文体学研究语言在文学中的运用情况。 理论文体学研究的是文体观和方法论。 —刘世生 《文体学概论》 General stylistics普通文体学 Literary stylistics 文学文体学 An area of study which straddles two disciplines—literary criticism and linguistics—literary discourse as its object of study; linguistics as a means —王守元 《英语文体学要略》 2. What is Style? Styl + istics Style所含的意思有三层 1 文体 说话或写作的格调,它随时变化,由非正式到十分正式,视具体情景、对象、地点等因素而定 2 语域 一个特定群体所用的特殊语言变体 3 风格 特有的说话或写作方式 1. 风格即修辞 (Style as rhetoric—Gorgias) 2. 风格即形式 (Style as form—Aristotle) 3. 风格即雄辩术 (Style as eloquence—Cicero) 4. 在恰当的地方使用恰当的词 (proper words in proper places—Swift) 5. 文


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