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第32 卷 第3 期 地球科学与环境学报 Vol.32 No.3
20 10 年9 月 Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment Sep.2010
1 1 2 2 1 1
胡伟伟 ,马致远 ,曹海东,刘 峰,李 婷,豆惠萍
(1. , 710054;2. , 710054)
# #
73003 , 73003
。:73003 ,
, 67%, ;F 。
:P64 1.4 61 :A :1672-656 1(20 10)03-0268-04
Application of Isotope andHydrogeochemical Methods
inDistinguishingMineBurstingWater Source
1 1 2 2 1 1
HU Wei-w ei , M A Zhi-yuan , CAO Hai-don , LIU Fen , LI Tin , DOU Hui-pin
(1.S chool of Env ironment al S ci ences and En g i neer ing , Chang an Univ ersi ty , X i an 710054, S haanx i, China;
2.X i an Branch of Ch ina Coa l R esear ch I nst i tut e, X i an 710054, S haan x i, Ch ina)
Abstract:Isotope and hy drochemical features of various types of water bodies in Laohutai mine w ere studied.
Isotope and hydrochemical features of surface w ater, all minin levels of the coal and w ater burstin site 73003 #
were represented, and the relationship betw een Cretaceous con lomerate aquifer above the mine and w ater
burstin site 73003 w as discussed.The results show ed that isotope and hydrochemical features of w ater
burstin site 73003 #w ere different with surface w ater and all minin levels of the coal, but similar to C retaceous
con lomerate aquifer.Accordin to isotope and hydrochemical features and theory of mix ed water, water in the
water burstin site w as mixed by Cretaceous and Quaternary rou