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第32 卷 第1 期 地球科学与环境学报 Vol.32 No.1
2010 年3 月 Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment Mar.2010
毛景文, 张建东,郭春丽
( , 100037)
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:P612 :A :1672-6561(2010)01-0001-14
Porphyry Cu,Epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn, Distal Hydrothermal Au
Deposits:a New Model of Mineral Deposit
———Taking the Dexing Area as an Example
MAO Jing-w en, ZHANG Jian-dong, G UO Chun-li
(K ey Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment of Ministry of Land and Resources, Instituteof
Mineral Resources, ChineseA cademy of Geological Sciences, Beij ing 100037, China)
Abstra t:Based on the previous studies and detailed field investigations in the Dexing porphyry Cu deposit, the
Yinshan Ag-Pb-Zn deposit and the Jinshan shear zone-hosted Au deposit in the Dele Jurassic volcanic basin in the
northeastern Jiangxi Province, East China are proposed to be same metallogenic system in this paper.The Dexing
is a typical porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit in which both ore-forming fluid and elements are derived f rom the granite
porphyry.The Yinshan consists of porphyry Cu ore at the copular of quartz porphyry in the low er part and the
vein type Ag-Pb-Zn ore in the upper part.The hydrothermal fluid was mainly derived f rom the magma in the
early stage and w as incorporated w ith more meteoric water in the late stage.Its ore-forming elements are mainly
from the magma.The both Jinshan and the Hamashi, a quartz vein type gold deposit hosted by brit tle fractures,
are distal hydrothermal deposits, which were formed by mixed fluids of magmatic and meteoric water w hereas the
Au is mainly leached f rom the country rocks of
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