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2 1 8 Vo l. 2 1 N o. 8 A ug . 2001 2001 8 Proceedings of t he CSEE 2001 Chin . Soc. for Elec. Eng . : 025880 13 ( 200 1) 1 1 1 2 姜秀民 刘德昌 郑楚光 秦裕琨 ( 1. 华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室 湖北武汉430074; 2. 哈尔滨工业大学 黑龙江哈尔滨 150001) STUDY OF OIL SHALE COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS BY THERMAL ANALYSIS METHOD 1 1 1 2 J IA N G X iumin L IU D echang ZH EN G Chuguang Q IN Y ukun ( 1. National Labor ator y of Coal Combustion Huazhong U niversity of Science and T echno logy Wuhan 4 30074 China; 2. Harbin In stit ute of T echnology Harbin 150001 China) ABSTRACT: T he co mbustion character ization of Hu adian oil 1 share w as investigated using L EIT Z ther mal m icroscope and WRT2 T GA. T he r esult s reveal th at oil shale h as better ig ni tion f eatures and low er ignition temperature compared to coals . It s combust ion is m ainly the burning of volatile m atter so the [ 1] combustion inten sity is strong at ear ly stage but sig nif icantly re 4 750 du ced at the f ollow ing char burn out stage. T his sug gest s that oil [ 2] 5. 4 shale is not su itable f or pulv er ized combu stion due to it s slag ging f eatures and high ash content but is ideal f or flu idized bed boil ers. China boasta w ealth of oil sh ale it s proved reser ves are 31. 315. 67 567 billi


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