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36 3 工程抗震与加固改造 Vol. 36 ,No. 3 第 卷第 期 2014 6 Jun. 2014 年 月 Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting [ ] 1002-8412 (2014)03-0007-07 DOI :10. 3969 /j. issn. 1002 - 8412. 2014. 03. 002 文章编号 粘滞阻尼器在实际工程应用中相关问题讨论 陈永 , ( , 100037) 祁 马良喆 北京奇太振动科技发展有限公司 北京 [ ] , , 提 要 大型结构工程中使用的液体黏滞阻尼器是一种技术含量很高的产品 经过几十年的发展 它已经从内置硅胶或者 — 。 、 、 —— 射流型阻尼器 本文在第三代阻尼器技 内设阀门 储油器的减震产品发展到可以准确计算 性能稳定耐久的第三代产品 , , 。 术特点基础上 对近几年的认知和阻尼器的发展情况进行介绍 以便相关技术人员能够认清和分辨它的质量 超高层结构既 , , 。 要求抗风又要求抗震 对阻尼器提出了新的要求 文中同时介绍了阻尼器在此要求下的发展情况 [ ] ; ; ; ; 关键词 黏滞阻尼器 硅胶 阀门 储油器 射流型阻尼器 [ ] TU973 + . 31 ;TU352. 1 [ ] A 中图分类号 文献标识码 Some Discussion Related to Viscous Dampers Application in the Actual Project Chen Yong-qi ,Ma Liang-zhe (Beijing Qitai Shock Control and Scientific Development Co. Ltd ,Beijing 100037,China) Abstract :The liquid viscous dampers used in large civil projects are the high technology products ,it has been developed from filling putty or setting valves and accumulator vibration control products to the third generation products which can be calculated precisely and performed stably –fluidic damper. In this paper ,the features of the third generation dampers which have been introduced several times are presented ,and the understanding and development in these years are summarized. It will helpful to the related technology staff to figure out the equality of damper. For the high-rise buildings ,the dampers should meet


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