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湖北省第十三届外语翻译大赛英语专业组初赛试题 I.? Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases :(每题2分, 计20分) ?(1) 弱肉强食 A.? the weak is the meat of the strong? B. the weak are the prey of the strong C.? the jungle principal????????????????????? D. the weak is the mercy of the strong ?(2) 如鸟兽散 A. flee helter skelter??? B. as if birds and beasts disappearing C. flying away as birds? D. running away as animals ?(3) 深文周纳 A. well versed in literature and art B. try to help innocent people out of trouble C. to enjoy great learning and popularity D. convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law ?(4) 首鼠两端 A. take both for granted B. catch the first mouse coming along C. there being two sides to everything D.shilly-shally ?(5) 师直为壮 A.???? an army fighting for a just cause has high morale B.????? an honest teacher is always eloquent in speech C.????? a great master is always speak out his mind D.???? strong physique is associated with moral life ?(6) 文不加点 A. article with no definite argument B. have a facile pen C. without the use of any punctuation D. plain style without and flourish ?(7) 殊深轸念 A. fall a prey to B. be sympathetic about C. express deep solicitude for D. become bosom friends ?(8) 余勇可贾 A. valor to encourage others B. with strength yet to spare C. energy left over for future use D. great deeds for praise ?(9) 纵横捭阖 A. criss-crossing the vast country B. a wide stretch of beautiful field C. maneuver among various political groupings D. search up and down for a bosom friend ?(10) 责有莜归 A. duty is well placed B. obligation should be observed C. blame goes to its destiny D. responsibility rests where it belongs ?II. Choose the best version among the four given. (每题2分, 计40分)? 11.她是一个坚强的女人,在体格上、在精神上都是如此,我每天都从她身上吸取精神食粮。 A. She was a touch woman, physically and spiritually. Not a day passed that I didn’t feed off the bread of her spirit. B. In physique as well as in spirit, she is a strong and firm lady, everyday I absorb from her spiritual nutrition. C. I get strength from her


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