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摘 要 在农业生产中,温室大棚的应用越来越广泛,也能为人们创造更高的经济效益。在温室大棚中,最关键的是温湿度控制方法。传统的温湿度控制方法完全是人工的,不仅费时费力,而且效率很低。本文旨在论述一钟温室大棚温湿度控制系统的设计及工作原理。该系统主要由单片机、数字温湿度传感器DHT11、液晶显示、键盘等组成。采用温湿度传感器DHT11来测量温湿度,它的精确度高,而且DHT11直接是输出数字信号,可直接与单片机相连。显示部分使用的是液晶显示来显示温湿度。本系统还有附带键盘,能够对大棚所需要的温湿度上下限值直接设定和修改。本系统的核心是单片机SCT89C52,接收传感器所测的数据并处理,然后执行各种操作,如喷水,吹风等。 本系统智能度高,可靠性高,系统工作稳定,且综合性价比较高,具有较大的市场应用前景。 【关键词】 单片机SCT89C52 数字温湿度传感器DHT11 大棚 温度 湿度 ABSTRACT In agricultural production, more and more extensive application in greenhouse, also can create higher economic benefits for people. In the greenhouse, the key is the temperature and humidity control method. Temperature and humidity control method of traditional is entirely artificial, not only time-consuming and laborious, but also the efficiency is low. This paper discusses the design and the working principle of temperature and humidity control system of a greenhouse. The system is mainly composed of single chip microcomputer, digital temperature and humidity sensor DHT11, liquid crystal display, keyboard, etc.. To measure the temperature and humidity and the temperature and humidity sensor DHT11, it has a high precision, and the DHT11 is directly output digital signal, can be directly connected with the single chip. The display part is the use of liquid crystal display to display the temperature and humidity. The system has keyboard, temperature and humidity in greenhouse on the need to limit on the value set and modify. The core of this system is SCT89C52 MCU, receiving sensor data and processing, and then perform various operations, such as water, air etc.. The system of intelligent degree is high, the reliability is high, the system is stable, and the higher price, has great market prospects. [keyword] single-chip digital SCT89C52 temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 greenhouse temperature and humidity 前言 在现代的大棚种植技术中,温度、湿度是大棚蔬菜能否茁壮成长的重要因素。现在我国大棚生产规模虽然空前巨大,但是大棚的设备比较陈旧,温度采集方式落后,广大农村采用煤油温度计的温度采集方式,不仅温度采集较为老套,并且费时费力,不利于大棚生产规模的扩大,也不利于信息化程度的提高,不符合党中央提出的科技兴农的战略目标


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