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牛津4B 知识点 Module1 Unit1 Words at the bookshop在书店 at home在家 at school在学校 thick厚的、粗的 thin瘦、细、薄的 paint颜料、涂色 brush(es)刷子、刷 crayon蜡笔 felt pen毡头笔 sock袜子 talk谈话(近义词)say/speak说话 child(复数)children孩子们 these单数 this those单数 that old 反义词new/young in the library在图书馆 in the playground in the hall 在大厅 人称代词主格-宾格I-me you-you he-him she-her it-it we-us they-them Sentences: 1.These brushes are short. 单数 This brush is short. 2.That crayon is thick. 复数Those crayons are thick. 3.I’ve got these paints. What have you got? 4.She’s got some brushes. (一般) Has she got any brushes? -No,she hasn’t. 5.-Whose paints are these? -They’re Betty’s paints. 这些是谁的颜料?它们是Betty 的颜料。 6. -ck/ k / Jack has got a black sock.Jack 有一只黑色袜子。 (划线提问)What has Jack got? 7.现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作或发生的事情。 构成:be动词+动词ing (现在分词) 现在分词的变化规则: ①.一般地,直接在动词后加ing. sleep-sleeping talk-talking ②.以不发音e 结尾的,去e加ing. ride-riding dance-dancing跳舞 ③.辅元辅结构的重读音节,双写尾字母加-ing (sit/cut/get) run-running swim-swimming dig-digging挖 mop-mopping拖地 8. 关键词: now现在 look listen Look!She is dancing. (dance) The baby is playing now. It’s eleven o’clock. Lucy is eating lunch. Don’t talk. They are sleeping. Let’s drive (drive) it. (Let’s=Let us) 9. I am reading. (一般疑问句) -Are you reading?-Yes,I am./No,I am not (划线) What are you doing? 10.She is writing a letter. 她正在写信。 (否定句) She is not writing a letter. 她没在写信。写信 (划线提问) What’s she doing? 11. They’re swimming. 他们正在游泳。 划线提问:What are they doing? 他们正在做什么? 12.作文:In my classroom This is my classroom. It is big and clean. There are some desks and chairs in it. There is a blackboard on the wall. I like my classroom very much. Unit2 Words music man音乐人 in the music room在音乐室 musical instrument乐器 piano-Ding钢琴 recorder-Dee笛子 violin-Zing小提琴 guitar-Pling吉他 drum-Boom 鼓 triangle-Ting三角铁play the piano弹钢琴 play basketball打篮球 (乐器有the球类无the) behind在…后面 in front of在…前面 beside/ near/ next to 在…旁边 in the hole在洞里 be afraid of害怕


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