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as a result in danger in the wild live on take action very young We need to do something for giant pandas. They are now (1)__________.For example, giant pandas do not have many babies during their lives, and it’s easy for baby pandas to get sick and die when they are (2)____________. Also giant pandas mainly (3)___________a special kind of bamboo, so the bamboo forests are very important to them. However, the bamboo forests are smaller and smaller.(4)__________, giant pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. There are now only about 1,600 pandas (5)_____________.We should (6)_____________to protect them right away. Millie’ classmates are asking her some questions about Xi Wang. Help Millie answer their questions. Kitty: What did Xi Wang eat when she was born? Millie: She (1)_____________________ in the beginning, but half a year later, she began to (2)_____________ Simon: Did Xi Wang grow very quickly after she was born? Millie: Yes. She weighed only (3)____________ at birth ,but she weighed over (4)____________when she was one year old . Sandy: Is it easy for giant pandas to live in the wild? Millie: No, It isn’t. They face(5)______________ Daniel: So What should we do? Millie: We should help pandas (6)___________________, buildmore(7)______________and (8)_______________ to protect them. * Reading 1 小组合作拼读单词(熟练,响亮) 1 意思是,意味着(v.) mean 名词:meaning 形容词 :meaningful 2开始,起初(n.) beginning 3 令人遗憾地,不幸地,伤心地(adv.) sadly 形容词:sad 名词sadness 4 面临,面对(v.) face ( facing ) 5 主要地,大部分(adv.) mainly 6 结果 result 7危险(n.) danger 形容词:dangerous 8 行动,行为 (n.) action 9 (动植物)自然保护区(n.) reserve 10 法律,法规((n.) law 11没有一个(人或物) none (强调数量或具体事物回答没有,用none) 小组合作背诵词组(熟练,响亮) “希望”的故事 2.看起来像只小白鼠 3.叫她希望 4.在4个月大时 the story of Xi Wang look like a white mouse call her Xi Wang at four months old 5 出生 be born (用一般过去式was/were born) 6 只有100克重 weigh just 100 grams 7 开始做某事 start/begin to do sth. 8 开始到外面去



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