物流英语 第二单元 Unit 2.ppt

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物流英语 第二单元 Unit 2

Company name Text 1 Customer Service It is universally acknowledged that products are of two kinds, products for customers and products for industrial use. As industrial products are not the key factors in planning a physical distribution strategy, they will not be mentioned in this text . 就产品而言,普遍认为有两类,一类是消费型产品,另一类是工业用途产品。因为工业用途产品在配送战略中不是主要因素,所以就不在本文赘述了。 An important characteristic of any product is its availability at the place where a customer wishes to consume it. And this is what logistics is chiefly concerned with. Products are of any value when and only when they are moved to the right place where it is available to the customer. Thus, we should make an analysis of products, depending on who uses them and how they are used. 任何产品的一个重要特征就是在顾客需要它时就能买到它。而这也正是物流所关心的。产品只有在被运送到能被消费者买到的场所时才体现出价值。这样,我们应该依据谁使用以及怎么使用这些产品来进行产品分析。 Consumer products are those that are directed to ultimate consumers. According to the three different ways in which consumers select goods and services and where they buy them, consumer products can be put into three categories : convenience products, shopping products, and specialty products . 消费类产品是指直接面对终端消费者的产品。根据消费者挑选产品和服务的三种不同方式以及从哪里购买这些产品,消费类产品可以分为便利型产品,购买型产品和特殊产品三种。 Convenience products are those goods and services that consumers purchase frequently, immediately, and with little comparative shopping. Typical products are banking services, tobacco items, and many foodstuffs. These products generally require wide distribution through many outlets. Distribution costs are typically high but are more than justified by the increased sales potential that is brought about by this wide and extensive distribution. Customer service levels, as expressed in terms of product availability and accessibility, must be high to encourage any reasonable degree of customer patronage for the products. 便利型产品是指消费者需要经常、及时购买并且不十分需要比较差价的产品和服务。银行业务、烟草产品和许多食物都是典型的便利型产品。这种产品一般都要求大范围的配送,配送成本一般都很高,但高成本却因大范围配送所带来的潜在销量的增长而被认为是合理的。客户服务水平体现在产品购买时的方便性和可得性方面,为了鼓励客户购


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