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合作期限内,累计服务费回款达一定数额,之后成交的候选人服务费将享受VIP折扣; Cooperation period, the cumulative service fees back section up to a certain amount, after which service fees will enjoy the VIP discounts; 对客户指定的目标候选人提供定向挖角服务,服务费可享受折扣; Customers the specified target candidates directional headhunter service, service charges can enjoy discounts; 客户举办公开大型招聘,如校招\大型专场招聘会等,可提供免费的招聘顾问及专家面试评估服务; Large customers organize an open recruitment, such as school recruit, such as large-scale special recruitment, Dowell offers free recruitment consultants and experts to interview assessment services; 可为客户提供目标发展区域内的行业调研资讯; Can provide customers with the goal of developing regional information industry research; 可为客户免费提供部分非猎头职位简历筛选服务; Provided free of charge for customers of some non-executive search jobs resume screening services; 杜为尔的分支所在城市,可为客户提供免费的面试场地; Our branch is located, can provide customers with a free interview venue; 对异地候选人面试,提供免费的订票、住宿安排等服务。 Interviewing candidates for off-site to provide free tickets, accommodation and other services. 增值服务 Value-added services 其他人力资源服务 More Human Resource Service 对企业HR进行教练式培训,让企业HR像猎头一样做招聘 HR enterprise-based training for coaches, HR allow enterprises to do the same as headhunting recruitment 招聘特训营 I’DO Recruitment Training Camp 支持新任领导指引计划,有助于新任领导增加履职成功几率 Providing New guide plan service in order to increasing the success probability of the smooth on-boarding 落地100天 On-board 100 days 帮助企业建设并运用人力资本,减少关键领导人的更换, 推荐继任者,保证组织稳定 Helping our clients to do the enterprise construction, utilizing Human Resourcing to reduce the replacemen t frequency of the key leader, and recommending success or to ensure our client’s organization stability 管理团队发展 Leadership Development 薪酬管理咨询;绩效管理体系构建;能力素质模型… Salary management consulting; performance management system construction; competency model ..... 人力资源管理咨询 HR management consulting 支持新任领导指引计划,有助于新任领导增加履职 成功几率 Providing New guide plan service in order to increasing the success probability of the


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