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Keywords Epochal Epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill. 罗斯福和邱吉尔做出的有重大意义的决定 epochal stupidity. 无与伦比的愚蠢 Appurtenance Consequently, Navassa became an American “appurtenance” — not quite a territory but still indisputably American. 因此,纳弗沙成为美国属地,不完全是美国领土,但毋庸置疑的属于美国 equipment appurtenance 设备附件 Keywords Populism No doubt, Taiwan today enjoys freedom of speech, But disorder of a certain extent is still plaguing the society because populism is weakening law and the government‘s authority.“ 今日的台湾社会无疑是一个思想言论自由的社会,但因为法律和公权力不断受到民粹思想的冲击,而导致社会秩序存在一定程度的混乱 At first populism is an ideological trend of petty bourgeoisie of a kind of peasant appearing in Russia. 民粹主义是最初出现在俄国的一种农民小资产阶级思潮 民粹主义(Populism,可译为平民主义 民粹主义 - 主要特点 1、回避代议制政治的复杂性,主张直接民主; 2、把所偏爱的群体进行理想化,并以此作为辨视自身的依据; 3、缺乏核心价值观; 4、是对严重危机的强烈反应; 5、民粹主义既可能从民众中产生,又可能被精英所倡导;既可能仅仅是一种思潮,又可能形成运动,甚至具有长期的政治后果 是在19世纪的俄国兴起的一股社会思潮。民粹主义的基本理论包括:极端强调平民群众的价值和理想,把平民化和大众化作为所有政治运动和政治制度合法性的最终来源;依靠平民大众对社会进行激进改革,并把普通群众当作政治改革的唯一决定性力量;通过强调诸如平民的统一、全民公决、人民的创制权等民粹主义价值,对平民大众从整体上实施有效的控制和操纵。 Keywords Stall The car engine may stall as we go up the hill. 爬山时,汽车发动机可能发生故障。 He knows how to stall off the applicants for the houses. 他很晓得怎样敷衍打发申请住房的人。 We could not stall a cease-fire proposal forever. 我们无法永久推迟停火建议 Wheeze He was awakened once from a faint by a wheeze close in his ear. 有一次,他从昏迷中给一种贴着他耳朵喘息的声音惊醒了。 The old man managed to wheeze out a few words. 老人勉强地喘息着说出了几句话。 giddy He was indeed a thoughtless, giddy youth, with little sobriety in his manners, and less in his countenance. 他确实是个轻率、浮躁的少年,举止随便,嬉皮笑脸 During August our doom appeared to some giddy Western journalists “a question of days.” 八月间,在西方某些轻率的记者看来,我们的毁灭似乎“指日可待”。 She began to feel giddy. 她开始感到眼花缭乱。 I am a little giddy, he said in a curiously faint, dull tone. “我有点头晕”,他用一种虚弱迟钝得有些奇怪的声音说。 Proclaim His manners proclaim him a scholar. 从他的举止可以看出他是一个学者 He half-determined that he would proclaim himself. 他正要打定主意,想宣布自己的身份。 True friendship foresees the needs of other rather than proclaim its own.


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