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辽 宁 科 技 学 院 (2010级) 本科课程设计 题目: 热源厂除尘脱硝处理工艺设计 专 业: 环境工程 班 级: 环境BG101 姓 名: 常 增 李 禹 刘兴旺 苏宗正 学 号: 6411110103 6411110109 6411110114 0311108115 指导教师: 许艳广 说明书 49 页,图纸 2 张 摘 要 经调查:烟气脱硝在国内外一直是一个非常棘手的难题。所以本设计采用选择性催化剂还原烟气脱硝技术(SCR)以及旋风除尘器脱硝除尘。 SCR工艺采用垂直的催化剂反应塔与无水氨,从燃煤燃烧装置及燃煤电厂的烟气中除去氮氧化物(NOx)。具体为采用氨(NH3)作为反应剂,与锅炉排出的烟气混合后通过催化剂层,在催化剂层,在催化剂的作用下将NOx还原分解成无害的氮气(N2)和水(H2O)。该工艺脱硝率可达90%以上,NH3逃逸低于5ppm,设备使用效率高,基本上无二次污染,是目前世界上先进的电站烟气脱硝技术,在全球烟气脱硝领域市场占有率高达98%。 在机械除尘器之中,旋风除尘器是效率最高的一种,从技术、经济等诸多方面考虑,旋风除尘器压力损失控制范围一般在500-2000Pa。因此,它属于中效除尘器,且可用于高温烟气的净化,是应用广泛的一种除尘器,多应用于锅炉烟气除尘、多级除尘以及预除尘。 Abstract After investigation: flue gas denitrification at home and abroad has been a very difficult problem. Therefore, this design uses selective catalytic reduction flue gas denitrification technology (SCR) and denitrification cyclone dust. SCR process using a vertical column with anhydrous ammonia catalyst from coal fired power plants and combustion device removing nitrogen oxides in flue gas (NOx). Specifically the use of ammonia (NH3) as a reactant, mixed with the boiler flue gas discharged after passing through the catalyst layer, the catalyst layer, in the role of a catalyst in the reduction of NOx into harmless nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O). The process denitrification rate of up to 90%, NH3 escape less than 5ppm, high-efficiency equipment, basically no secondary pollution, is an advanced power plant flue gas denitrification technology in the world, the global market share in the field of flue gas denitrification up 98%. Among the mechanical filter, a cyclone is the highest efficiency from many aspects to consider technical, economic, etc., cyclone pressure loss control range is generally 500-2000Pa. Therefore, it belongs in the efficiency filter, and can be used in high temperature flue gas purification, is widely used as a filter, and more used in the boiler flue dust, dust, and multi-stage pre-dust. Key words: Dust; Cyclone; Flue gas denitrification; SCR; Denitrification process 目


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