现代大学英语5课件 Lesson Ten Background information and structure.ppt

现代大学英语5课件 Lesson Ten Background information and structure.ppt

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现代大学英语5课件 Lesson Ten Background information and structure

Lesson Ten Before and After September 11 By Tai Moses Main Contents Lead-in Background Knowledge Guide to Reading Text Structure About the Author Tai Moses She is a famous writer, features editor at the weekly Metro Santa Cruz, a weekly in California, USA and a contributor to Alternet an online magazine launched in 1998 by Independent Media Institute. (美国独立媒体) Background Information 1. World Trade Towers The twin towers of World Trade Center. Construction began in 1966 and completed in 1973. The 110 storied towers were 411 meters high, the highest building in New York. The observation Deck on the 110th floor was once a famous tourist spot. Background Information 2.The Pentagon The Pentagon serves as the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. As one of the worlds largest office buildings, it has a floor space of 3,705,793 square feet, or three times that of the Empire State Building in New York. The Pentagon houses a daily working population of approximately 24,000 employees, both military and civilian. Background Information 3. al-Qaida (基地组织) Al-Qaeda is an international terrorist network led by Usama bin Laden Established around 1988 by bin Laden, al-Qaeda helped finance, recruit, transport and train thousands of fighters from dozens of countries to be part of an Afghan resistance to defeat the Soviet Union. To continue the holy war beyond Afghanistan, al-Qaedas current goal is to establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout the world by working with allied Islamic extremist groups to overthrow regimes it deems non-Islamic and expelling Westerners and non-Muslims from Muslim countries. Background Information 基地组织(AL-Qaeda)成立于1988年,由本.拉登创建.拉登成立该组织的最初目的是以次组织为基地,来训练和指挥与入侵阿富汗的苏联军队战斗的阿富汗义勇军。苏军撤退后,该组织便开始将目标转为美国和伊斯兰世界的“腐败政权”。该组织主要在阿富汗、中亚、中东地区活动。基地组织的最高领导是以拉登为首的中央委员会,下设有4个专门职能委员会,分别负责管理军事、宗教、宣传和财务事务。基地组织在阿拉伯有10多处训练基地,对从各国来到阿富汗的成员进行恐怖活动训练。训练内容包括学习原教旨主义教义,学习使用轻型武器


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