现代大学英语精读3 lesson14.ppt

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现代大学英语精读3 lesson14

Unit Fourteen Mercy at Appomattox Language Points 解散议会 紧追不舍 考虑各种选择 使我们遭受巨大损失 比敌人坦克开得快 突然死去 触发群众抗议 报名参军 使伤口愈合 向全国各地辐射 草草写下几个字 安抚人民 使争吵停止 A self-made man National reconciliation A shooting spree Parole passes With heavy spirit The county seat / the courthouse With a sash and a presentation sword Dress uniform and field uniform A vista of overwhelming stillness Guerrilla warfare The havoc of war A token of love Terms of surrender From Lincoln’s second inaugural address With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to build up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and orphans; to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. Boom n. v. An economic boom, boom and bust大繁荣与随后的不景气 The travel boom, the sports boom 激增 The business / economy / sales is/are booming, 迅速发展 Thunder boomed like battlefield cannons隆隆声; music boomed out from loudspeakers低沉的回音 Baby boom (1947-1961)生育高峰 Brigade 旅 Legion 军团 Division 师 Brigade Regiment 团 Battalion 营 Cavalry squadron 骑兵营 Company 连 Platoon 排 Squad 班 Infantry 步兵 Cavalry 骑兵 Artillery 炮兵 Marine corps海军陆战队 Mariner Ranger 巡逻兵 Gunner 枪手 Sniper 阻击手 Cannoneer 炮手 Perdue 敢死队员 delicate ~ hands (small and beautifully shaped) ~ flavor (color, taste, or smell that is pleasant, not strong or intense) ~ china (easy to harm, damage or break) Physically ~ (become ill easily) ~ situation, problem, matter, discussion微妙 ~ operation (showing great skill and attention to detail) exult He was ~ing in a win at the show earlier that day. Some individual investors ~ed at the record. Resolve n. v. ~ to do: make a firm decision to do She ~d to report the crime / that … This will strengthen the American public’s ~ to go to war. resolve 1)决心,决定 2)溶解 3)解决 Resolve to do sth Resolve on doing sth Resolve into sth Cf. resolve, decide, deter


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