珍爱生命cherish life.ppt

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珍爱生命cherish life

Thats all, Thank you! * HELLO EVERYONE! Today ,my topic is 珍爱生命 生命的内涵: The meaning of life: 每一个生命的诞生都是一个奇迹 The birth of every life is a miracle. 每一个奇迹都有一个不同的成长过程 Every miracle has a different growth process. 每一个过程都终将有一个独特的不可复制的真实的意义 Each process will have a unique irreducible system of real significance. If a crystal of life, 生命好像一颗水晶, beautiful and fragile. 美丽而脆弱。 I do not know may be laughter when the face yesterday, today has disappear,yesterday dynamic figure, today there are only cold on the body, yesterday pulse beating heart has stopped beating today. 也许不知什么时候昨天还欢笑的脸,今天就已消失不见,昨天还充满活力的身影,今天就只剩下冰冷的躯壳,昨天还怦怦搏动的心,今天就已经停止跳动。 生命是如此沉重 Life is so heavy ! In reality, however, some people will not regret to give up his own life. 然而,现实中有人却会毫不留恋地舍弃自己的生命。 Maybe when they are old and they understand the meaning of life. 生命对于每个人都只有一次,所以我们应该更加珍惜我们的生命。 Life for each person only once, so we should cherish our life. Life is short and therefore precious. 生命短暂,所以要格外珍惜。 We should cherish the most valuable thing in life. 我们要珍惜生命中最珍贵的东西。 *


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