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Translation Skills I 一 、理解中的选义 给我们翻译带来很大难度的不仅是一词多义,还有词语反搭配中的虚实两用,也就是一个词的原义,或者是实义,以及它的引伸义,或者是虚义。 What do you know about run? Talk to your partner for 2’. 1)run across 跑过---偶然碰见 2)run away 跑开---失去控制 3)run back over 跑回---回顾 4)run counter to 跑离---违反;与---背道而驰 5)run down 跑下---用完;撞倒;贬低 6)run in 跑进---顺便深望 一 、理解中的选义 7)run into 跑进---陷于;偶然碰见 8)run into debt 欠债——负责 9)run off 跑掉---流畅地写出(背出) 10)run out 跑出---被用完;将尽 11)run over 跑过---满出;溢出 12)run through 跑过,穿过---贯穿 13)run up 跑上去---迅速积累(债款等) 14)run to seed 变得不修过幅 15)run a race 参加赛跑 16)run for presidency 竞选总统 一 、理解中的选义 17)run to sb’s aid 赶去帮助某人 18)run aground (船)搁浅 19)run wild 发狂; 20)run to extremes 走向极端 21)run the streets 流浪街头 22)run a hare 捕野兔---捕坐车不买票的人 23)run a car 驾驶小汽车 一 、理解中的选义 24)run a factory 办工厂 25)run messages 送信,传信息 26)run the water off 把水放掉 27)run oil 提炼石油 28)run to 跑到---(数量等)达到 29)run on 不停地跑---讲个不停;谋煤不休 30)run sb into difficulties 使某人陷入困境 31)run the risk of 冒着……的危险 32)run one eyes down a list 匆匆看一下单子 33)run a simile too far 把一个明喻用得牵强附会 一 、理解中的选义 34)run a fever 发烧 35)run a sword through sb 用刀刺死某人 36)run a thread through an eyelet 把线穿过小孔 37)run one’s head into a wall 碰壁,撞南墙 38)The idea runs in his mind. 这个念头萦绕在他的脑海里。 39)The street runs north 大街向北延伸 40)The news runs rapidly in the town. 这个消息迅速在镇上传开。 41)The machine runs well. 机器运转良好。 42)The river runs east. 大江向东流。 一 、理解中的选义 Now, how about get? I got on horse back within ten minutes after I got your letter.When I got to Canterbury I got a chaise for town;but I got wet through,and have got such a cold that I shall not get rid of U in a hurry.I got to the Treasury at about noon.But first of all got shaved and dressed.I soon got into the secret of getting a memorial before the Board,but I could not get an answer then;however, I got intelligence from a messenger that I should get on the next morning.As soon as I got back to my inn,I got my supper,and then got to bed.When I got up next morning,I got my breakfast,and,having got dressed,I got out in time


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