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Tomato, Catchup 番茄,快点儿走! 来龙去脉 在KFC 和 MacDonald 快餐店里用来佐餐炸土豆条的番茄酱“ketchup”一词竟然也是来自十七世纪末的中国广东方言! 就像茶‘tea’ 这个十七世纪中叶的中国闽南语通过马来语传到西方世界一样,ketchup 的词源又一次佐证了中国餐饮文化源远流长、影响广泛。 所不同的是,国人通常使用番茄酱烧蛋花汤,就像我妈妈做的番茄蛋花汤一样;而西餐中的番茄酱是用来涂抹面包、薯条等固体食物的。 番茄蛋花汤的酸中有丝丝甜蜜蜜的鲜香;薯条沾番茄酱酥软、香浓、腻口。 我都喜欢,但番茄蛋花汤又多了一缕温馨的家的回忆...... How time flies! Weekdays are work days that are always faring, good or bad, very fast without a break. I often count days by week. One year can be broken up into 52 weeks, half a year 26 weeks and this is the 17th week. Only 9 more weeks to go, and then the first half year is gone. How time flies! Catchup is equal to Ketchup Ive just received an email joke from a friend and I am amused by it when I read it second time. Two tomatoes were crossing the street. One was hit by a car, and the other said to it,Dude, catchup! Why? The second tomato is playing a good guy by urging his fellow to catch up with him, but how could the poor tomato move forward when he was crashed by the car? when in such a pathetic situation, but actually he is kidding the car victim as Ketchup because the first tomato was crashed into sort of pulp (压榨成果泥了). Catchup is equal to Ketchup. What a smart play of pun and a black humor! A Cantonese Phrase! However, to my surprise, the word Katchup is said stemmed from some late 17th century’s Chinese word, to be exact, from a Cantonese phrase (广东方言) ‘ke chap’, which means “tomato juice”. Unlike ‘tea’, the well-known word also originated from Chinese, I always thought “Ketchup” was a typical western food and word. But now I remember that my mother, who is from Fujian Province, used to make some tomato source by putting many tomatoes into several sealed bottles. So when this vegetable/fruit went out of season, we could still have delicious tomato and egg soup. My mum is a great cook and always makes the family full and happy. Now I seem to be sipping the home-made tomato soup together with my extended family, the taste of home. How sweet and sour! Ketchu


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