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高级微观经济学Ⅰ 白重恩 一、消费者理论 A. 概述 选择消费品时,追求效用最大化(utility maximization)。但同时要受收入的限制, 研究方法: 1.一种研究方法——间接研究:preference-based approach 从消费者偏好 (preferences) 出发,导出需求函数(choice),但是无法对偏好做实证检验。 2.另一种方法:choice-based approach 直接从消费者的选择开始,研究其性质。 B. 基于选择的方法 (choice-based approach) 1. 关于需求函数的三个假说: (1)齐次性(Homogeneity of degree zero) (2)瓦尔拉斯法则(Walras’ Law) p·x=w for all x∈x(p, w), every 所有的选择都在边界上。 (3)WARP (Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference) 若显示性偏好公理 定义:需求映射x(p,w)满足WARP,if 2. The law of compensated demand How is affected by a price change? Two effects: a substitution effect due to change in relative price a wealth effect due to change in real income. We want to consider the first effect only. If there is a price change , To maintain original consumption . We will allow to the income change from . Proposition: Suppose consume choice satisfies homogeneity and Walras’ law, then satisfies WARP if and only if, for any compensated price change , we have . and are in “opposite”directions. ΔPΔx≤0意味着,ΔP向量与ΔX向量之间的夹角是钝角。以上称之为The law of compensated demand. 证明: ≤0 (WARP) 注 反过来,我们可以证明,ΔPΔX≤0→WARP (略) 3. Slutsky matrix 定义矩阵 是半负定矩阵,(negative semi-definite). Giffen good(A Giffen good must be an inferior good (). Some comparative statics:: 由上面的Slutsky matrix: 其中:——substitution effect: the effect of a price change on demand when the price change is accompanied by an income compensation. ——income effect. C. 古典需求理论:基于偏好的方法 (preference-based approach) 1. Preference relation()and utility function Proposition: Suppose the rational preference on is continuous. Then there exists a utility function on s.t. i.e. u represents . 效用函数的不定性:如果u是某个消费者的效用函数,g是单调增函数,则g(u)也是该消费者的效用函数。 偏好的性质到效用函数的性质: monotonicity convexity convexity of : is(strictly)convex. is (strictly) convex. 令:,则: is (strictly) convex. ( quasi-concave utility function.((严格)拟凹性) (严格拟凹为了保证最佳解一定是唯一,并且可导) 2.效用最大化问题(utility maximization problem)(UMP) (1) 效用最大化问题 给定p,w, 性质1:只要u是连续的,UMP有


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